


Plastic waste

plastic was invented over 100 years ago it was called bakelite and was invented by Belgian chemist LeoBaekland in the early 1900 its an synthetic, polymer,  that was created by breaking down into its component. Plastic pollution was become one most pressing environmental issues.

Unfortunately the plastic destroyed 400 - 1000 years can at least destroyed. Plastics that ends up in the waste dump places and were mix up with water dirt and many more they were burn but cost the air pollution more worst cause by the air pollution in the waste dump place by the plastics. 

The plastics trash were floating at the sea and were found many trash. United State collected 3.61 millio tons plastics at the sea over 88% of plastic waste in exported to country that cannot properly manage and dispose of it due to insufficient resources.
However it was not easy to abandon the plastic trash at the sea this plastic

Flood prevention and control

The cause of flood is are caused by many factor heavy precipitation, severe winds over water, unusual high tides, and tsunamis. During times rain or snow some of water is retained in ponds. The effects of flood is many property were damage, spawning fish in the ground after, the flood can cost a huge traffic jam and many more.

prevent the flood is we have to put the trash in the garbage and make our environment clean and clening the gutters will make increasing the water absorption area.

In many countries, rivers prone to floods are often carefully managed with a defenses like levees, bunds and many more. The levees will constrain the water, will making it faster and deeper in main instead of spreading it away naturally.,made%20channels%20to%20divert%20floodwater).

Eco Friendly Product

Economic product that did not have a damage to an environment like protecting and conserving nature and polluting less while doing recycle, reduce and reuse. When we gonna use it when we were gonna make an economic product we have to be creative and unique use to attract the customer to buy it from us. An eco friendly product are usually made by organic material and natural ingredients they also come in recyclable, compostable, or biodegradable.

The definition of the creative economy is income earning potential of creatives activities and ideas


There many ways to reduce plastic water waste cause we can use 3R Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 

Materials and Tools
  1. Pencil
  2. paper
  3. marker
  4. pen
  5. water paint (black and white)
  6. brush
  7. scissor
  8. tape 
How to make
  1. Flip the paper into 2 parts
  2. Then place the tape into the paper
  3. Use the pencil to draw the sketch
  4. Then use the pen to bold the sketch 
  5. Take the water paint (black) to paint the drawing using a brush
  6. Then take the water paint (white) to paint the drawing 
  7. Let it dry 
In this day people were buying all things that they needed so we have to reuse many item  to save the planet.

Biblical Christian worldview

In this day everyone uses plastics every days for their need but people were littering the plastics everywhere. The eco friendly product can provide people to reduce people were using plastics and have a clean and healthy environment. This product maybe could minimize the plastics using that could reduce many pollution from this earth. Genesis 1 verse 26 "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and birds of the sky and over the cattle and all over the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." if we did not live an eco freindly lifestyle that means that we did not respect God because God is the one who create it.


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